Saturday 2 December 2017

smiling can make you last longer☺

You know that look you give with your face, that friendly and happy expression on your face where the ends of your mouth curve up slightly, often with the lips moving apart so that the teeth can be seen,-yes that’s it, you trying to do it now, that’s “smile”. Did you know that smiling can extend your life span, yes it can and this one thing which go a long way in increasing your life span is free, spread the news, tell a friend or family member, smile more often. You’re more likely to live longer just by doing this.

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins and serotonin which will naturally help to reduce inflammation and pain – in fact smiling is a powerful hormone buster and mood stabilizer, try to smile often, do you know even if you fake a smile it can improve the reaction of people to you, well if you don’t now you do, keep a happy face and smile more, fake that smile until you make it.
According to a study carried out in the united kingdom, you don’t even need to be the one smiling to benefit, scientists from Hewlett Packard used an electromagnetic brain scan machine and a heart rate monitor to detect the “mood-boosting value” of different kinds or stimuli. For the tests 109 volunteers were subjected to three kinds of stimuli
They were shown photos of friends,family and loved ones
They Were given chocolate to eat
They were given cash

Smiling faces in the photographs had far and away the most potent influence of participants moods. “Participants who were shown a child experienced the same level of stimulation as they would have from eating 2,000bars of chocolate, ” in terms of money such reaction would cost you 25,000usd to buy. “The powerful emotions triggered when someone important in our lives smiles at us and we smile back changes our brain chemistry .”
If you want to live to a grand old age then smile more often and try to mean this cause this is more efficient, happy people tends to be healthier too, smiling is way easier than sulking because while sulking more muscles are used and your face ends up folding/wrinkling on time, bad huh?. Smiling result in a well being and happiness and the result in a less stressful atmosphere. Smile, give a broad smile and even laugh out loud, you’re doing yourself a great favour because this contribute to longevity.
Smiling doesn’t only benefit you inside, it also works to your advantage from the outside, another study showed that people who smile appears to be more likeable, courteous and lot more. Lifting facial muscles into a smile is contagious; smiling gives other people a lot of good impression about you, so why not smile more, it wouldn’t cost a thing to do it

“Smile”birds do it,cats does it, humans do it,so smile……..yourstrulymama

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