Saturday 20 January 2018


 Just because vanilla cake is the most recent cake i made , i thought it should be the first recipe on here, enjoy.

  • 1kg of flour
  • 1kg of butter
  • 1/2kg sugar
  • 1 small nut meg  seed or 1tbsp
  • 13 eggs[normal size]
  • 1/2 cup of vodka or any other alcohol of your choice [optional]
  • 1 glass of milk
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp baking powdeer


  • Already greased pan or a pan lined with patchment paper
  • stand or hand mixer or even a bowl and a wooden spatula
  • rubber spatula
  • oven 
  • greater if using nut meg seed
  • rags
  • bowls
  • sieve


  • place the butter into your mixing bowl then turn on your mixer to medium speed and mix for about 3mins, turn off the mixer.
  • seive in your sugar, turn on the mixer first at medium speed then high until the butter is nice and fluffy.cream in color and soft to touch, turn off your mixer.[ this should take about 5-7mins]
  • crack your eggs into a bowl [don't whisk]. add it into the mixing bowl two at a time, turn on the mixer at medium speed and mix when ever you add in the eggs.
  • add in the alcohol [this step is optional]
  • sieve your flour and baking powder into a bowl then add in your grated nut meg powder and mix together with your hands
  • interchange adding in the flour and the milk [flour,milk,flour,milk,flour] while mixing at medium speed and then high when all the ingredients is already in
  • add in the vanilla extract and continue mixing for about 3mins to completely incorporate the ingredients [if using a stand mixer you can now  change from your whisk attachment to your paddle attachment]
  • pour in your batter into your pans, smoothing the surface with a spoon or rubber spatula and bang the bottom of the pan onto a flat surface by raising the pan up and dropping back on the surface gently
  • bake in a pre¬heated oven at 350 degree celsius for 1hr or until a tooth pick when inserted in the middle comes out clean.
  • allow to cool then remove cake from pan. 

key point;

  • the alcohol in this recipe serve as a preservation to help lengthen the shelf life of this cake so if you want to eat the cake the same day or in a day or 2 you can skip this step just properly refrigerate the cake and it will last for even a week.

                until next saturday on bakewithytm, i am.........

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