Thursday 28 December 2017


Today's experience really taught me how important time is.... very important i must say.
as a matter of fact time is invaluable, it is limited and no matter how you try to manage it there's only 24 hours in a more, no less.

But rather than wasting it on nothing, why not cherish it, use it wisely for once time pass its never coming back.

Time is a precious piece though cannot be touched nor seen but can only be felt  once gone and time once gone its gone for good, it can never be regained nor captured for even kings, queens, knights, governors, president has never be able to stop time, they themselves have been helpless to the power of time.

Like i earlier said time is invaluable, but one beautiful thing is that, this time if wisely used renders great result. the most richest men in the world 'Mark Zuckerberg, Larry Ellison ,Aliko Dangiote, Bill Gate ' and the list can go on and on.

These great minds didn't become rich over night, they did this by minimizing there time. Every second in a minutes, every minutes in an hours ,every hour in a day, every day in a week, every weak in a month and every month a a year counted. they utilize there time to the fullest.

Starting today, why not tell your self my time must be utilize properly. These men don't have two heads, if the can do it. then why cant i?

Tell yourself my day must count, in every 24 hours i must achieve something worth my while. don't just sit there having a lazy everyday, achieve something today. Because this time once gone its gone for good and can never be pulled back.

Ask yourself this question 'why do we grow older but never younger'?. Time is a powerful tool, use it well, use it wisely. time cant catch up with you, the reverse is the case. you chase time, time don;t chase you.

Time is priceless, you can never pause it, but you can cheerish it, work with time, every moment is important,

Make sure you use time wisely only then will you realize how beautiful time is.

Tictoc Tictoc darling, do something meaningful today, your time starts now.


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