Sunday 7 January 2018



Over the years, have had so many friends who says they don't eat onion and it amaze me. If you knew the benefits of onions, regardless of the smell and the fact that it makes the eyes teary when we chop will over look all this flaws and eat them.

This is why i put together some healthy benefits of eating onions.

  •  low in calorie
 onion is low in calories ,this simply means no fat, not cholesterol.

  •  fiber, folic acids and vitamins
    onions contains fiber, folic acids and vitamin B which helps the body make healthy new cells. also the vitamin c in raw onion, along with phytochemicals present in the onions helps build immunity.

  • antibacteria and therapeutic properties
     raw onions not only provide excellent taste for our meal but also provides therapeutic and antibacteria properties that cleanse and detox our bodies to eliminate diseases.

  • Reduces cancer 
  there's a study that shows that onion when mixed with tumeric help reduce cancer, these two vegetables has some chemicals which creates a synergistic effect that reduces both the size and number of precancerous hosts in the intestine, therefore reducing colon cancer risk.

 Another study has shown that the organosulfur , a compound in onion can help detoxify potential cacinogens.
  • manganese
    onions are rich in manganese, an element which offers protection against cold and flu.

  •  Allium and Allyl disulphide
   these two compound found in onion are converted into allicin post ingestion. and these allicin as per certain studies has been said to possess certain properties that fights cancer and diabetes.
  • mixed with honey
    onions can be applied to poultice,boil, bruses, wounds. onions juice mixed with honey can also be used as a remedy for acne

for more information stay on the blog


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